
  • The zimg is an image storage and processing server. You can get a compressed and scaled image from zimg with the parameters of URL.

  • The parameters contain width, height, resize type, gray, crop postion (x, y), rotate, quality and format. And you can control the default type of images by configuration file.
    And you can get the information of image in zimg server like this:

  • If you want to customize the transform rule of image you can write a zimg-lua script. Use t=type parameter in your URL to get the special image:

  • The concurrent I/O, distributed storage and in time processing ability of zimg is excellent. You needn't nginx in your image server any more. In the benchmark test, zimg can deal with 3000+ image downloading task per second and 90000+ HTTP echo request per second on a high concurrency level. The performance is higher than PHP or other image processing server. More infomation of zimg is in the documents below.


Design and Architecture

These articles are written in Chinese.


  • Benchmark of zimg v3.0: This benchmark test show you how fast zimg v3 is when we used webimg as image processing library.
  • Benchmark of zimg v2.0: This benckmark test is aim to test the performance of different storage backends include disk, beansdb and SSDB.
  • Benchmark of zimg v1.0: The first benchmark of zimg which tested concurrent processing ability of zimg and PHP.

Use cases

  • Who is using zimg

If your company or product is using zimg. Please send an email to us and we will add you to the use cases list. Maybe you can provide information below:

Company name
LOGO(as attachment)
Website link
Company/production description
How you use zimg, and how zimg helps you


  • The sponsors list
